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March 8, 2022

Top Tips for a Better Sleep

Your sleep hygiene is important in enabling your body to reset itself to be ready for another day.

There are plenty of things we can do to promote better quality sleep, like eating a wide variety of healthful foods, getting in some daily movement and managing stress. Here are some other tips to help you sleep better!

Follow a sleep schedule

Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. This will help train your body to know that it’s time to rest, so you can get to sleep easier.

Give yourself time before bed to relax and unwind

Consider writing in a journal or taking down some notes for your next day’s to-do list– anything that will help quiet your mind.

Go easy on the alcohol

Alcohol affects the production of sleep-inducing chemicals in the brain and can block REM sleep (the deep, restorative type of sleep).

Include relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques are helpful for managing stress and promoting deep, restful sleep. Relax before bed with a warm bath, deep breathing, meditation, gentle stretching or yoga.

Getting enough quality sleep each night allows our bodies to reset themselves both physically and emotionally so that we can be ready for a new day ahead.  Refer back to the list above whenever you need to check in on your sleep routine!

What are you doing to promote better sleep tonight?

A snack before bedtime is okay

You may have heard that you need to cut off all eating a few hours before bedtime, but this isn’t a one size fits all approach. Some of us benefit from having a bit of food in our stomach to help us fall asleep. The keyword is small, though, as eating a heavy meal right before bedtime makes your digestive system work overtime and can actually hinder your sleep.

Diet In wellness,

Coach Andrew